Friday, 25 January 2008

The Association for Supported Living launches new Website

The Association for Supported Living website has been relaunched and is now operational -
follow this link to view the site:

Current articles include:

a summary of the government's major statement on personalisation entitled "Putting People First"

an excellent article on the new CSCI guide on Supported Living and Residential Care

an account of the Association for Supported Living Annual Conference of November 2007

....well worth taking a look...

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Ski Fitness - Be prepared follow these basic fitness exercises!

Exercises 1-2

1. Knee-bends
Flex down through 45 degrees, then push back to standing. Keep your heels on the floor.

2. Jumps on the spot

Circuit Exercises
Exercises 1-2
Exercises 3-5

Exercises 6-7
Exercises 8-10

Warm Up


Tuesday, 15 January 2008

New Ways of Working for Applied Psychologists NWWAP

The New Ways of Working for Applied Psychologists sub-group was established in July 2005 and has met every two months up to the launch conference in Leicester in July 2007 when the group had completed its work. The group is jointly chaired by Roslyn Hope (NIMHE, NWP) and Professor Tony Lavender (BPS) and included representatives of carers and users, from the divisions of applied psychology and other professions, including psychiatry, nursing and the allied health professions. Two stakeholder conferences were held in Wolverhampton and Edinburgh. The group has addressed the following seven objectives:
  • to review the pre-qualification roles of psychology graduates, including Primary Care Mental Health Workers (PCMHWs), and recommend how they could be developed to contribute to the sustainable delivery of psychological services;
  • to review the current training models for applied psychologists, develop and assess alternative models and make recommendations for the future;
  • to map the current workforce, identify emerging good practice in new ways of working and develop role descriptions for all levels across the career framework and produce guidance for National Assessors;
  • to identify the best models for organising psychological services within Trusts and review the leadership development needs of applied psychologists;
  • to identify the best ways that applied psychologists can contribute to the development and work of multidisciplinary teams;
  • to identify the way that applied psychologists can improve user access to psychological therapies; and
  • to clarify the role, training needs and registration requirements of applied psychologists in implementing the new mental health legislation.
TO find out more follow this link:

Click HERE to access the BPS NWWAP website

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Best Interests Guidance - British Psycholological Society

Guidance on determining the best interests of
adults who lack the capacity to make a decision
(or decisions) for themselves (Jan 2008)

The British Psychological Society

This guidance has been written in order to give additional information and support to people who may
have to participate in making decisions on behalf of adults who lack the capacity to do so for themselves.
This includes staff working in health or social care (such as doctors, nurses, dentists, psychologists,
therapists, social workers, residential and care home managers, care staff, support workers) and carers,
families and advocates.

The legal framework for making best interests decisions is defined in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and
further policy guidance is to be found in the Code of Practice to the Mental Capacity Act. This guidance
aims to add further to the Code of Practice by looking in more detail at the types of factors that might
need to be considered in making a best interests decision, and in considering the process of best interests

To download a copy of the document follow the link below:

Click HERE to download a copy

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Scrutinising...mainstream health services for people with learning disabilities

Ten questions to ask...

10 questions to ask if you’re scrutinising ……mainstream health services for people with learning disabilities

This guide is one of a series designed to help health Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSCs) carry out their scrutiny work around various health, healthcare and social care topics.

To view '10 questions to ask if you’re scrutinising ……mainstream health services for people with learning disabilities'

Click HERE to follow the link to the questions

Saturday, 5 January 2008

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Adults

Conference banner

About the conference

The Estia Centre, Salomons (Canterbury Christ Church University) and Pavilion are hosting a one-day national conference on Thursday 31 January 2008 in Camden, London to explore the mental health needs of people with learning difficulties.

This conference is being convened by Steve Hardy of the Estia Centre and Professor Hilary Brown of Canterbury Christ Church University and the Sussex Mental Health Trust to explore the mental health needs of people with learning disabilities and how these can best be met by a web of mainstream and specialist mental health services. Despite a commitment to accessing mainstream psychological therapies being at the heart of recent policy, confidence levels are low and practical barriers remain. This conference addresses these issues at the level of service development and in relation to clinical and therapeutic skills.

For booking information - follow the link below

Click HERE for booking information

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

World Class Commissioning

World Class Commissioning

The Department is transforming the commissioning health and care services in the NHS to drive unprecedented improvements in patient outcomes. The Dept has worked with commissioners and their partners to develop a vision for world class commissioning and a set of 11 organisational competencies.

Delivery of this vision will take place within an assurance system. This will improve performance and development, and reward commissioners as they move from their current position towards world class standards.

follow this link:

or follow this link (click here) to watch a VIDEO of Mark Britnell's vision of World Class Commissioning

IASSID World Congress 2008 CAPE TOWN

IASSID World Congress 2008 CAPE TOWN

In 2008 the International Association
for the Scientific Study of Intellectual
Disabilities (IASSID) will be holding
its 13th World Congress in Cape Town
South Africa, from 25th-30th August.

Over 1500 people are expected,
including experts in all aspects of
intellectual disabilities, including
epidemiology, inclusion, education,
families, empowerment, physical and
mental health, work, communication,
quality of life, biological factors.

Deadline for submissions extended to January 25th 2008

for more information follow the link

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

Best wishes to everyone for 2008!!!
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