Tuesday, 14 April 2009


Please follow the link to access important resources just published on

  • VP now delivery plan
  • Health action planning and health facilitation guidance
  • Easy read Health action planning and health facilitation guidance
  • Basic Guidance on commissioning easy read information
  • Contact details of national director
  • Contact details for regional VP now programme leads
  • Key priorities and action documents for health services, partnership boards and local authorities
  • The VPST team structure.



Thursday, 19 February 2009

A Rough Guide to Personalisation

Personalisation: a rough guide

By Sarah Carr

Published: October 2008

This guide aims to tell the story so far about the personalisation of adult social care services. It is intended to set out the current understanding of personalisation at a very early stage of implementation, exploring what personalisation is, where the idea came from and placing the transformation of adult social care in the wider public service reform agenda.

Key points

The report contains the following key messages and recommendations:

  • By identifying and transferring knowledge about good practice, SCIE has a special role to play in transforming adult social care services.
  • Person-centred planning and self-directed support will need to become mainstream
  • It will ultimately mean universal services such as transport, housing and education are accessible to all citizens.
  • The personalised system will need to be cost-effective and sustainable in the long term.
  • Approaches to early intervention and prevention need to develop further so that people are encouraged to stay healthy and independent.
  • The social care workforce will need to acquire new skills.

This powerpoint presentation is based on and complements SCIE's 'Personalisation: a rough guide' publication. It can be used for presentations and training and can be tailored to the particular requirements of the event, audience or sector. There is also a PDF verison.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Personal Health Budgets

Lord Darzi announced in his Next Stage Review of the NHS  that the Department will launch in 2009 a pilot of personal health budgets, as a way of giving patients greater control over the services they receive and the providers from which they receive services.  The pilots will draw on the experience of other health systems and in social care. 

Personal budgets sit in a spectrum of policies of personalisation, which also includes choice and care planning.  As the Prime Minister said in the preface to the Next Stage Review:

‘We need a more personalised NHS, responsive to each of us as individuals … giving us real control and real choices over our care and our lives.’

The Personal Health Budgets project team is working to develop the outline for the pilot scheme and in doing so is working with a wide range of people. We want to hear from anyone who would like to share their experiences in this area and help shape the project. We are particularly interested to hear from organisations, users or carers who are already trying out personal health budgets.

Personal health budgets: first steps

In January 2009 the Department published Personal health budgets: first steps. This document sets out the principles of personal health budgets, reports on early lessons and invites expressions of interest in the pilot programme.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

There are a number of documents providing guidance on the implementation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS), including:

A leaflet providing a brief general introduction to the MCA DOLS and has been specifically designed for care homes and hospitals to help staff understand what the MCA DOLS will mean for them and for their service users

to download the leaflet follow this link:

Draft deprivation of liberty safeguards standard forms  made available  in order to facilitate best practice, training and preparation in advance of April 2009, when the deprivation of liberty safeguards come into effect.

These forms are not to be used for making applications for deprivation of liberty authorisations, since they are not the final version that should be used for operationalising the safeguards procedures.

The forms can be adapted but, if used in unedited form, they help all those involved in the safeguards processes to fully meet the requirements of the deprivation of liberty safeguards legislation.

to download the Draft forms follow this link: 


NHS Constitution Published

The first NHS Constitution for England, a landmark in the history of the NHS has been created through a collaborative approach of consultation, discussion and research with NHS Staff as well as patients, public and stakeholders.
The Constitution represents a commitment that all staff should have rewarding and worthwhile jobs, with the freedom and confidence to act in the interest of patients. 

To do this, all NHS staff need to be:

trusted and actively listened to
treated with respect at work, 
have the tools, training and support to deliver care, 
and opportunities to develop and progress.
The NHS Constitution enables for the first time details as to what staff, patients and the public can expect from the NHS. 

It sets out the purpose, principles and values of the NHS, as well as bringing together a number of rights, pledges and responsibilities for all staff and patients. 

You can read the Constitution and associated documents by following this link: 

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Valuing People Now - New vision for people with learning disabilities

Published 19th January 2009

People with learning disabilities will be supported in every aspect of their lives, from housing and health to employment, Secretary of State for Health, Alan Johnson announced today.

'Valuing People Now - A Three Year Strategy for People with Learning Disabilities' presents a new vision for improving services for people with learning disabilities across health, housing, employment and community care services. It follows a comprehensive consultation involving more than 10,000 people.

Improving training, commissioning of services and strengthening local structures to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, are fundamental elements of the Strategy.

Key aims include:

* ensuring people with learning disabilities get the healthcare they need and the support they want to live healthy lives;

* supporting more people with learning disabilities, including those with more complex needs, into paid work;

* ensuring people with learning disabilities have the choice to have relationships, become parents and continue to be parents; and

* giving people with learning disabilities opportunities to study and enjoy leisure and social activities.

Progress will be reviewed annually. A new national Learning Disability Programme Board and Regional Boards will ensure the strategy works, share good practice and provide a forum for stakeholder groups to discuss progress and concerns.

To download Valuing People Now click here

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Autism and Employment Study

Understanding autism and employment is important for people with autism, Asperger syndrome and other conditions on the autism spectrum, as well as for their families.


Researchers at Goldsmiths, University of London, want to find out about the emotional, physical and financial impacts on people with autism spectrum disorders and their families.


They would like to hear from people who are:


  • an adult with a diagnosed autism spectrum disorder

  • a parent of a person with a diagnosed autism spectrum disorder.


The questionnaire will take 20-30 minutes.



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