Thursday, 19 February 2009

A Rough Guide to Personalisation

Personalisation: a rough guide

By Sarah Carr

Published: October 2008

This guide aims to tell the story so far about the personalisation of adult social care services. It is intended to set out the current understanding of personalisation at a very early stage of implementation, exploring what personalisation is, where the idea came from and placing the transformation of adult social care in the wider public service reform agenda.

Key points

The report contains the following key messages and recommendations:

  • By identifying and transferring knowledge about good practice, SCIE has a special role to play in transforming adult social care services.
  • Person-centred planning and self-directed support will need to become mainstream
  • It will ultimately mean universal services such as transport, housing and education are accessible to all citizens.
  • The personalised system will need to be cost-effective and sustainable in the long term.
  • Approaches to early intervention and prevention need to develop further so that people are encouraged to stay healthy and independent.
  • The social care workforce will need to acquire new skills.

This powerpoint presentation is based on and complements SCIE's 'Personalisation: a rough guide' publication. It can be used for presentations and training and can be tailored to the particular requirements of the event, audience or sector. There is also a PDF verison.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Personal Health Budgets

Lord Darzi announced in his Next Stage Review of the NHS  that the Department will launch in 2009 a pilot of personal health budgets, as a way of giving patients greater control over the services they receive and the providers from which they receive services.  The pilots will draw on the experience of other health systems and in social care. 

Personal budgets sit in a spectrum of policies of personalisation, which also includes choice and care planning.  As the Prime Minister said in the preface to the Next Stage Review:

‘We need a more personalised NHS, responsive to each of us as individuals … giving us real control and real choices over our care and our lives.’

The Personal Health Budgets project team is working to develop the outline for the pilot scheme and in doing so is working with a wide range of people. We want to hear from anyone who would like to share their experiences in this area and help shape the project. We are particularly interested to hear from organisations, users or carers who are already trying out personal health budgets.

Personal health budgets: first steps

In January 2009 the Department published Personal health budgets: first steps. This document sets out the principles of personal health budgets, reports on early lessons and invites expressions of interest in the pilot programme.

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