Monday 24 November 2008

“Children who live in areas with heavy rainfall could be more likely to develop autism”

The Daily Telegraph has reported that children who live in areas with heavy rainfall could be more likely to develop autism.

The newspaper said that researchers believe that rain could be an “environmental trigger” for the condition, that makes “susceptible” children develop autism symptoms.It said the reason behind the association is unknown.

This study looked at annual rainfall in three US states and the number of children diagnosed with autism who lived in those areas in their first three years of life. It found there to be more children with autism living in wetter areas than in drier ones.

However it is important to be aware that this type of research can only demonstrate an association. It does not prove that rainfall has any connection with the development of autism and there are many other factors that may determine why some children in these areas develop autism. 

The causes of autism remain unclear and are thought to include genetic, environmental and medical factors.

To read a detailed article


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