Friday, 28 December 2007

Conference: Learning Disabilities & Old Age Faculties: Improving Care, Improving Services

Learning Disabilities & Old Age Faculties:  Improving Care, Improving Services

Thursday 28th February 2008, Leeds

This one-day conference is a joint initiative between the Faculties of Learning
Disabilities and Old Age Psychiatry. It is a first step in partnership between
these two specialist areas towards developing ideas of how this group of people
and their families, who are currently at risk of falling into the gap between
existing services, might be better served by providers of health and social

The event will provide you with an overview of the big issues for services
catering for older people with learning disabilities and the opportunity to work
on some issues in more depth in workshops.

Conference Topics include:

* NICE Guidance on Dementia

* Memory clinic models

* Dementia Care Pathways - experiences and adaptations

* Mapping the patient journey

* Accessing the patients and carers perspective

* Down's Syndrome

* Sensory Impairment

* The Care Environment

For more information visit

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