Friday, 28 December 2007

Statutory Regulation

Statutory Regulation - Latest Updates

The British Psychological Society

Update 21 December 2007

The public consultation concerning the Section 60 Order (S60) - the draft secondary legislation, which would take practitioner psychologists into regulation by the Health Professions Council (HPC) - has just been published by the Department of Health, following several delays.
The public consultation is open for only 12 weeks. Our process to respond to the S60 will be the same as we are employing to respond to the two consultations from the HPC:
  1. the office will prepare a draft response by 25 January 2008
  2. a briefing meeting will be held for Representative Council
  3. the draft response will be posted on the members' area of the website and therefore available for subsystems and individual members to make their response
  4. the final deadline for those responses will be 22 February 2008
  5. the office will then revise the draft response, this will be available for a final review by the membership, and the Trustees will sign-off the document before submission.
For more information follow this link:

Download documents from Department of Health website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not sure of which way to vote

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